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Last Week of Classes and Final Examinations for Undergraduate Courses (Policy 3080)

University Policy 3080

Download a Printable Version of Policy 3080

Effective Date

July 1992

Last Revision Date

July 2019

Responsible Party

Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1202

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all undergraduate courses.

1. Policy Purpose

To identify the week prior to the final exam period as an “Exam Free Week.”

2. Policy Statement

An Exam Free Week exists for the seven days preceding the start of the officially scheduled final examination period in the fall or spring semester.

Except in those particular courses that are offered in an accelerated time frame – less than 15 weeks -or where it is deemed necessary by departmental policy (e.g., lab, artistic performance, project presentation, team analysis, etc.), no exam shall be given or be due during this period.

Online courses are expected to adhere to the policy whenever possible, but exceptions are allowed when the online course schedule differs from the regular semester schedule.

3. Definitions

3.1 Final Exam Schedule (FES)

Final Exam Schedule, referring to the official days and times for holding final examinations as published on the website of the Office of the Registrar.

3.2 Exam Free Week (EFW)

Exam Free Week, referring to the seven days immediately preceding the first day of the officially scheduled final examination period of the fall or spring semester.

3.3 Ending Time

The time of day published in the FES as the end of the scheduled final exam period for any class.

4. Responsibilities and Procedures

4.1 Guidelines

a.  Students take each in-class final exam on the date and time given in the FES.

b.  No in-class exams may be taken during the EFW. Take-home final exams may be distributed during the EFW or earlier, but can be due no earlier than the Ending Time.

c.  Exceptions may be allowed for extenuating circumstances, on an individual student basis, to be arranged at a time agreeable to the faculty member.

Final Exam Schedule (Office of the Registrar)

Revision History

March 4, 1996; July, 2016; July 2019